The National Sailing Hall Of Fame (now relocated from Annapolis to Newport, Rhode Island) sponsored summer STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) enrichment programs for advanced placement high school students. Thursday was the last day for the first group on JOLLY DOLPHIN this year. Most of the eight students aboard had been aboard at least once during the past two weeks. They chose to practice anchoring (and man overboard drills) near Tolley Point south of Annapolis instead of visiting an ice cream shop to celebrate.

We moored close inshore and discussed how a boat at anchor swings into the wind and that the length of anchor line to pay out is in proportion to the water depth. Relatively lightweight, modern anchors work best with a long slope of rode from the bow to the bottom.

The vee bottom, centerboard skipjack hull evolved to harvest oysters in shallow waters, and at a depth of four feet, students in the water were able to stand on the bottom.